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We believe in the synergy between RESEARCH and PROJECT in order to stimulate a new reading of the TERRITORY and of the city. We propose, through the advertising of KNOWLEDGE, the DEVELOPMENT of the COMMUNITY versus the prevailing individualism. Participation and COMMUNICATION are our preferred methods to ignite the collective debate. We believe in the INTERACTION of existing NETWORKS, foreseeing new relationship SCENARIOS. We use CONTEMPORARY phenomenon as key elements to the understanding of society. We are interested in the CONTEXT in which we live in, and we are aware of the TEMPORARY nature of our actions. We place ourselves on the connecting line between the global and the local SCALE, confronting all the COMPLEXITIES of reality without falling into easy generalizations. We are not intimidated by the reversible TRANSFORMATION of the territory, promoting at the same time the reactivation of the urban tissue and the conscious reutilization of RESOURCES. We operate planning STRATEGIES towards the SUSTAINABILITY of project choices: we give the ENVIRONMENT, in all its forms, its strategic importance. We observe the constant changes of different contemporary URBANITIES researching a delicate equilibrium with DENSITY. We exalt BEAUTY as a resource to reinforce our IDENTITY. Architecture possesses a POLITICAL value and we believe that we should rediscover its ETHICAL dimension. We believe ARCHITECTURE is an instrument capable of reducing social inequalities and improving quality of life.